לקוחות יקרים, בימי חג הפסח 22-29/4/24  אנו עובדים במתכונת מצומצמת. נשוב לפעילות מלאה ביום שלישי 30/04/24.      חג שמח!

DSC Sirius 3500 Differential Scanning Calorimeter. Netzsch ,Germany

The DSC 3500 Sirius combines compactness, robustness and ease-of-use with high detection sensitivity, thus offering optimal conditions for quality assurance and failure analysis in areas such as foods, cosmetics, polymers, technical textiles, and organic and inorganic materials.


The cost-effective starter instrument for material characterization

The DSC 3500 Sirius unites state-of-the-art technology with high sensitivity in a robust, easy-to-operate measuring system across a temperature range from -170°C to 600°C. The most important characteristics of the DSC 3500 Siriusmeasuring cell are its silver furnace with long-life heating element and its monolithic DSC sensor featuring high stability and optimal resolution.

For high sample throughput, we recommend that the unit be equipped with an automatic sample changer (ASC) – this accommodates up to 20 samples and references, even of different crucible types.

The design of the DSC 3500 Sirius developed in Japan is tailored to routine tasks in quality control and failure analysis as well as for material characterization of technical textiles, of food products, in packaging, in the polymer and cosmetic industry and for further organic or inorganic materials.

  • Temperature range: 

    -170°C to 600°C

  • Heating rates: 

    0.001 K/min to 100 K/min

  • Cooling rates: 

    0.001 K/min to 100 K/min

    (depending on temp.)

  • Sensor: 

    heat flux system

  • Measurement range: 

    ± 650 mW

  • Temperature accuracy: 

    0.1 K

  • Enthalpy accuracy: 

    generally < 2%

  • Atmospheres: 

    oxid., inert (static, dynamic)

  • Automatic sample changer (ASC) 

    for up to 20 samples and references (optional)


The DSC 3500 Sirius runs under Proteus® Software on Windows®. The Proteus® Software includes everything you need to carry out a measurement and evaluate the resulting data. Through the combination of easy-to-understand menus and automated routines, a tool has been created that is extremely user-friendly and, at the same time, allows sophisticated analysis. The Proteus® Software is licensed with the instrument and can of course be installed on other computer systems.

DSC features:

  • Determination of onset, peak, inflection and end temperatures
  • Automatic peak search
  • Transformation enthalpies: analysis of peak areas (enthalpies) with selectable baseline and partial peak area analysis
  • Evaluation of crystallization
  • Comprehensive glass transition analysis
  • Automatic baseline correction
  • Specific heat determination
  • Tau-R® Mode: takes into account the time constant and thermal resistance of the instrument and reveals thus sharper DSC effects from the sample (optional)
  • Optional TM-DSC (temperature modulation) for separation of reversing (thermodynamic) and non-reversing (kinetic) effects
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