לקוחות יקרים, בימי חג הפסח 22-29/4/24  אנו עובדים במתכונת מצומצמת. נשוב לפעילות מלאה ביום שלישי 30/04/24.      חג שמח!

מערבל מעבדתי Laboratory De-Aerator MiniVac תוצרת Netzsch

The MiniVac laboratory-scale De-Aerator was specially developed for small batches or initial tests and – like the production-scale NETZSCH vacuum de-aerator – operates according to the VTR principle (vacuum – thin film – rotary process).

מק"ט MiniVac קטגוריות , תגיות ,


The specially developed machine for small batches or first tests, like the NETZSCH-Vacuum De-Aerator, works according to the VTR principle (Vacuum Thin layer Rotation Procedure). Micronized gas and air pockets are removed with the laboratory De-AeratorMINIVAC from liquids with different viscosities, as well as from viscous pastes and masses. Depending on the product viscosity, the construction of the machine enables a continuous operation without an additional feeding pump at a throughput rate of 25 – 250 kg/h.

The MINIVAC stands out with its easy operation. The ease of working with the machine is facilitated by the adjustment of the tank position. Further advantages of the vacuum de-aerator are easy cleaning and maintenance.

• The product is drawn into the de-aeration chamber by vacuum, drawing the product into the center of the rotating bowl

• The arising thin product layer is continuously de-aerated on the rotating bowl

• The speed of the rotating bowl is infinitely adjustable via frequency inverter

• The product discharge occurs through a pick-up pipe and is caused by centrifugal force

• The residence time of the product within the de-aeration chamber is influenced by nonreturn valves and valves

• Depending on the product viscosity, operation without an additional pump is also possible

• Easy and clean handling due to swiveling process unit

• The compact and ergonomically designed machine allows low maintenance expenditure and easy cleaning at minimum product loss

• A high degree of flexibility at highest reproducibility when choosing the batch sizes


• Also available as a table model

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מכירות: 072-395-0508
מייל: info@medent.co.il

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