לקוחות יקרים, בימי חג הפסח 22-29/4/24  אנו עובדים במתכונת מצומצמת. נשוב לפעילות מלאה ביום שלישי 30/04/24.      חג שמח!

APTAC® 264 – Automatic Pressure Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter Netzsch (Germany)

The APTAC® 264 with pressure control

operates from ambient to 500°C.

As an accelerating rate calorimeter, the

APTAC® 264 can detect and track

exothermic reactions up to 400 K/min

under pressures of up to 140 bar. The

maximum pressure tracking rate is

700 bar/min. Stirring, venting and

injection accessories are available.

Due to the pressure compensation,

thin-walled vessels can be used in

order to achieve a low Ф-factor for the

thermal inertia.


The instrument can function as:

High-performance closed-cell adiabatic calorimeter

High-temperature and high-pressure reaction calorimeter

Open test cell from which effluent can be discharged and analyzed for emergency relief system studies using the DIERS methodology of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

The precision and accuracy of APTAC® 264 test results help companies in scaling up process designs to production scale by:

Providing actual temperature and pressure data for use in kinetic modeling

Validating predicted chemical reactions and scenarios

Confirming predicted events following the activation of an emergency relief system

Directly measuring physical property data of complex mixtures

APTAC® 264 can be used for the thermal analysis of solid or liquid chemicals or for gas/liquid, liquid/liquid, gas/solid, and liquid/solid mixtures. It can also be used for process simulation of batch and semi-batch reactions, fire exposures, emergency relief venting, and physical properties measurement.

It offers a new degree of accuracy in reactivity data for chemical manufacturing industries, including organic chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fine organics, polymers and plastics, and explosive highenergy materials.

Single-headed vessel rated at 140 bar (2,000 psia)

Test cell (standard): 130ml capacity, 2.5”

internal dia., 0.5” stem

Sample size: 5 – 100 ml

Thermal inertia (Φ) factor: variable – typically ~ 1.10

Operational temperature range: RT to 500°C

Temperature measurement:

type N thermocouples with 16-bit sampling giving 0.025°C resolution

Exotherm detection sensitivity:

0.002 K/min in Iso-Fixed mode; 0.02 K/min in HWS

Tracking rate at adiabatic operation up to 400 K/min

Operation pressure range: vacuum to 140 bar (2,000 psia)

Pressure measurement: ±0.1% full scale

Pressure tracking: typically up to 700 bar/min (10,000 psia/min)

Pressure control: PI control of pneumatic flow valves

Stirring, injection, and vent capability standard

ASTM standard: E1981

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נציגנו יצור אתכם קשר עוד היום.

שירות טכני: 08-683-6306
מכירות: 072-395-0508
מייל: info@medent.co.il

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