לקוחות יקרים, בימי חג הפסח 22-29/4/24  אנו עובדים במתכונת מצומצמת. נשוב לפעילות מלאה ביום שלישי 30/04/24.      חג שמח!

Dilvac Dry Ice Maker


The DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker is the fastest way of providing a block of dry ice to your lab. It is compact and lightweight, requires no electric power and is safe and simple to use. Most importantly, it is always there in the lab to give you immediate access to dry ice when you need it. The economy of having your dry ice ‘on tap’ can provide considerable financial savings over a relatively short period as the cost of having dry ice delivered to your lab can be prohibitive.

The DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker produces a block of approx. 1kg in weight in less than 2 minutes, and all you have to do is connect the unit to a cylinder of CO2, and turn on the tap. Remember, it has to be a liquid cylinder with an internal siphon.


Dimensions of block: 80mm x 110mm x 180mm
Dimensions of box: 160mm x 160mm x 225mm
Weight of block: 1Kg ± 10%
Yield from 34Kg cylinder: 5 – 6 blocks*


*A 34Kg cylinder at room temperature will contain approx. 30kg of useable liquid CO2, the balance is vapour, which does not convert to solid dry ice. Yield can be appreciably increased at lower ambient temperatures, i.e. @ 5°C approx. 1/3 more blocks may be produced.

The DILVAC Portable Dry Ice Maker works on the principle of adiabatic expans ion (the Joule-Thompson effect). The liquid CO2 in the cylinder is at a pressure greater than 60kg/cm2, so when it is released into the unit, which is at atmospheric pressure, the liquid CO2 vaporises and expands. As a result of this expansion, the liquid changes to snow and is compacted into a block within the unit. The block measures 80mm x 110mm x 180mm and weighs approx. 1kg.

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