לקוחות יקרים, בימי חג הפסח 22-29/4/24  אנו עובדים במתכונת מצומצמת. נשוב לפעילות מלאה ביום שלישי 30/04/24.      חג שמח!

GHP 456 Titan for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Insulations. Netzsch, Germany

Innovative Guarded Hot Plate System GHP 456 Titan®for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Insulations


The GHP 456 Titan® is the ideal tool for researchers and scientists in the field of insulation testing. Based on the well-known, standardized guarded hot plate technique (e.g. ISO 8302, ASTM C177, DIN EN 12939 or DIN EN 12667), the system features unrivalled performance over an unmatched temperature range.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with the highest quality standards, NETZSCH has designed a robust and easy-to-operate instrument, featuring unparalleled reliability and optimum accuracy over a broad temperature range.

The NETZSCH GHP 456 Titan® is the new benchmark in Guarded Hot Plate measurements.

Key Technical Data

(subject to change)

  • Temperature range

    -160 to 250°C (low temperature version, liquid nitrogen required)

    -160 to 600°C (high temperature version, liquid nitrogen required)

  • Thermal Conductivity range

    0 to 2 W/(m*K)

  • Atmospheres

    inert, oxidizing, or vacuum

  • Accuracy 

    high – typically ± 2%

    (depending on the measuring conditions and the sample properties)

  • Sample thickness 

    up to 100 mm

  • Plate dimensions 

    300 mm (standard versions)

  • Vacuum-tight by design 

    (down to 5×10-4 mbar)

  • Cooling devices

    Compressed air: 50°C to 300°C

    Liquid nitrogen: -160°C to 250°C

    Chiller: 20°C to 85°C

  • Based on e.g., 

    ISO 8302, DIN/EN 12667, DIN/EN 12939, DIN/EN 13163, etc.


  • Various pump systems (rotary pumps, turbo molecular pumps) are available for the GHP 456 Titan®.The system can be easily extended later on by add the appropriate pump to the connections of the system.

  • Standard materials: Various kinds of certified (NIST, NPL) standard materials (fiber insulations, foam insulations) are available for the system.
  • Cooling of the heat sinks: The heat sinks can be cooled with forced air (for mean sample temperatures above 40°C) with a chiller (for mean sample temperatures above 0°C) or with liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen is supplied from a feeding system via a software controlled supply system.
  • For measurements of powders and flakes special calcium silicate frames are available, fitting exactly to the plate dimensions.
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